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Alexis Grandemange picture

For the moment, I'm the only developer. My name is Alexis Grandemange. You can send me a mail at

I used to be the main designer and lead developer of an Intranet solution.

At this time I was working for BEA and the customer was a large French bank. It had 2000 agencies and 23000 personal computers. The main constraint was the bandwidth. The solution had to work with frame relay between 32 and 256 Kbps - and 256 Kbps only for largest agencies. We needed a solution easy to deploy and administrate. So we deployed a presentation server - IIS with ASP pages in every agency that called central applications.

I program in Java since 1996 and I started to work seriously on Application Servers in fall 1999. During summer 2000, I submitted an article project about class loaders to Java Developer Journal. It accepted the layout. I came back to the design above to illustrate the article and the concept turned to be more exciting than I expected. The article was then divided in three parts, the first one illustrating presentation hosting, a second one administration and a third one the security.

Then I extended what was initially the article reference implementation to something more comprehensive and usable and I created this site to present the idea.

Check News and FAQ to get the an overview. PageBox enables the creation of Constellations. A Constellation is a set of PageBoxes and Web application Repositories that doesn't require a central administration and can be as scalable and fault tolerant as needed.

Authorized users:
  1. Can create a PageBox host and add it to a Constellation using a Subscribe page
  2. Can add a Repository
  3. Can publish a Web application to a Repository. Then the Web application is automatically deployed on subscribing PageBox hosts

PageBox allows:

  1. Running Web applications closer to the user and therefore with a better response time
  2. Making content adaptation

I worked on Cocoon/SOAP integration. The net result is that you no longer need to know Java to write a PageBox presentation. Then I wrote a new version for PHP, for .NET and for Java.

At the moment, I'm focused on PageBox. I took however the time to write

  • a Picture exhibition,
  • an illustrated story of my family,
  • to create a PageBox logo, PageBox: servlets running in sandboxes over Internet. It shows Web applications (pages) flying on a PageBoxed Internet (blue sphere).

I wrote other programs, notably:
  • A Web authoring tool implemented as a Word plug-in, Cuckoo. I wrote Cuckoo primarily to write the content of the PageBox site but it is now the most mature product I have to offer.
  • A simple HTML map generator, Ptah
  • An example of PageBox application, Reservation written in C#
  • An example of PageBox control, GoogleControl
  • An example of PageBox application euroLCC to find Low Cost Carrier flights between origin and destination airports.
I wrote numerous papers, notably:
  • An document describing algorithms and methods.
  • An introduction to the graph theory.
  • A presentation of the Air Transport industry.
  • A document presenting the patent system, law and practices and describing to facilitate patent search.
  • A document discussing patentability conditions and explaining how to analyze business method and software patents. This document also contains an analysis of the MercExchange v. eBay case.
  • A document comparing the patent examination procedures in USA and in Europe and containing an analysis of the re-examination of the PanIP and Eolas patents.

In the past I used to make photographs and to play as an actor (Stanislavsky method).

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