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Verification of Greek and mathematics in Cuckoo
Use of symbol font for math characters and Greek font: ¶ÕåÖ¥ÇȦ»¹º£³"$ÉÊËÌÍÎÏ abgdezhqiklmnxoprVstufcyw ABGDEZHQIKLMNXOPRSTUFCYW abcdefghi j klmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHI J KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Test abgdezhqiklmnxoprVstufcyw ABGDEZHQIKLMNXOPRSTUFCYW abgdezhqiklmnxoprVstufcyw ABGDEZHQIKLMNXOPRSTUFCYW abgdezhqiklmnxoprVstufcyw ABGDEZHQIKLMNXOPRSTUFCYW does it work? !%&*()_-=+{}[]:;#~<>,./| 1234567890 3a6 From Equation editor:
PreservePar style A B C With three blanks before and with three blanks in between using Preserve Style. |