Package PageBoxLib

Interface Summary
ActiveComparable Niceif type of Active Naming
ASInstallIF Interface of the Application Server installer.
DeployerIF Web service interface to stub.
DeployIF Interface of the deployment Web Service.
ExtensionIF Interface of Extension classes.
InstallIF Interface of the Installation class.
ListenerIF Interface to non HTTP listener.
LogIF Logging interface.
QuerierIF Web service interface to stub.
TokenCallbackIF Token ring callback interface.
TokenIF Token ring methods.
TokenSendIF Token ring send interface.
UsageIF Interface to objects returning resource usage data.

Class Summary
ActiveEntry ActiveNaming's entries entry.
ActiveMessage Active Naming token message.
ActiveNaming Active Naming implementation.
ActiveResult Active Naming implementation.
APIImpl Class of the PageBox API.
APIKey Key of APIs in APIImpl.
Archive Describes an archive.
ASInstallFactory Hides the Application Server installer.
AuditHandler SAX handler for audit.xml.
Base64 From org.apache.catalina.util you can find in catalina-ant.jar.
Deployer Web service invoker.
DeployHandler SAX handler for PbArchives.xml.
DeployIF.Status Classe wrapping the deployment code and message.
DeployIF.UrlUser Class wrapping the url and user of a subscriber.
DeployImpl Deployment Web Service.
DynDns PageBox DNS registration using DynDNS protocol.
FixHandler SAX handler for fixinfo.xml.
FixInfo Wraps information needed to notify Repositories about PageBox fixes.
HTTPDeployer Web service invoker for raw HTTP.
HTTPLog Data formatting and trace for raw HTTP troubleshooting.
HTTPQuerier Web service invoker for raw HTTP.
InstallClassLoader Class loader used to load the installation class.
Invoked by Repository.
InstallHelper Helper class for running the database creation and running the Install class.
JDBCinfo Parameters of JDBC connection.
JWSDPDeployer Web service invoker for JWSDP.
JWSDPQuerier Web service invoker for JWSDP.
LinuxUsageProbe Returns resource data on Linux.
Log Logging class.
MatchingEntry Entries in the ActiveNaming.getCandidate array list and in ActiveResult.
MemUsage Interface to objects returning resource memory data.
Message Describes messages stored in the msgs map of TokenMsg.
PageBoxAPI Class of the PageBox API.
PageBoxInfo Adjacency list entry.
PoolEntry Connection class provided by the PageBox API.
Querier Web service invoker.
Reinstall Reinstall the archives on startup.
Relayer Deployment relay.
RelayerKey Key used in the relayers map of Relayer.
RepoTest Test of the Repository for miscellaneous errors.
ResourceInfo Describes a resource provided by the Application server.
ResourceUsage Resource usage data.
RuleHandler SAX handler for rules.xml.
TokenCallbackImpl Token ring receiver implementation.
TokenFrame Token ring frame.
TokenImpl Token ring receiver implementation.
TokenMsg Token ring message.
TokenTest Test of the Token errors.
TomcatInstall Tomcat 4 installer
UsageFactory Hides the Resource usage class.
WindowsUsageProbe Returns resource data on Windows NT, 2000 and XP.