PageBox: presentation deployment using .NET PageBox

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PageBox for .NET installation and user guide

PageBox installation

Download the PageBox for .NET as described in the Customization guide and install it in a directory under your Web site home directory, for instance C:\Inetpub\wwwroot.

If you get this message:

Configuration error. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS

configure your directory as an Application.

Go to Control Panel | Internet Service Manager MMC, select your directory on the Internet Information Services screen and click right on properties. You should get this screen:

Directory property|Directory - Create application

Click on Create.

Follow instructions of the Customization guide to configure PbCmd.xml.

Assuming you have installed PageBox in myPageBox directory, you should be able to query update.aspx with http://localhost/myPageBox/update.aspx:

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

Update.aspx shows the deployment web service URL

You can also click on the mail icon to send us a mail.

The subscription URL is the URL to set on the subscription form. Technically it is the deployment Web service URL.

Repository installation

Download the PageBox for .NET repository as described in the Customization guide and install it in a directory under your Web site home directory, for instance C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. If needed configure your repository directory as described above.

Follow instructions of the Customization guide to configure web.config and authorization.xml for security.


Assuming you have installed the PageBox Repository in myRepository directory, you should be able to query subscriber.aspx with http://localhost/myRepository/subscriber.aspx.

If you changed nothing in web.config and authorization.xml, Form based authentication is enabled and you should first been displayed the login form:

Login form. Click on PageBox icon to see the documentation. Click on the mail icon to send us a mail

All users are allowed to display the subscriber form. Enter for instance subscriber1/subscriber and click on Login button. You should be displayed this:

Subscriber form has four buttons, subscribe, unsubscribe, force and refresh. Use refresh to update the display after a subscription/unsubscription

In the deployment URL, simply paste the Subscription URL.

You can subscribe a new PageBox with the Subscribe button and unsubscribe with the Unsub, Unsubscribe and Force buttons. See the Customization guide to understand the difference between Unsubscribe and Force.

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

You can click on the mail icon to send us a mail.


Assuming you have installed the PageBox Repository in myRepository directory, you should be able to query publisher.aspx with http://localhost/myRepository/publisher.aspx. If you logged with a user id, which is neither a publisher nor an administrator you should get this:

Publisher form displays You are not allowed to publish archives if you are neither an administrator nor a publisher

In that case, restart your browser. On the login form, log with a publisher or administrator user id, for instance publisher1/publisher.


For your tests, the simplest solution is to start a Web browser instance with a publisher account, another with a subscriber account and a third one with an administrator account.

You should get this:

Publisher form has three buttons, browse to select a presentation or batch, upload to publish it on the repository and refresh. Use refresh to update the display after a publication/unpublication

Enter the local path of the archive or batch file to publish. If you are sure of the path, click on Browse button. You should get a File chooser dialog:

File chooser

Select a file and click Open.

We recommend that:

  1. You put the presentation documentation on the Web

  2. You set the Documentation URL field with the URL of the documentation

This documentation should explain:

  1. Who you are

  2. The purpose of the presentation

  3. The supported environments and recommended PbCmd.xml

  4. The presentation prerequisites. Should other archives be installed?

  5. The Web Services that the presentation invokes

  6. How to use the presentation

See the Customization guide for the PbCmd.xml syntax.

Publisher form has two textboxes, local archive path and documentation URL

Now click on Upload to publish the archive.

Publisher form has a Datagrid with two buttons delete and force to unpublish presentations

For an presentation are displayed:

  1. Its name

  2. Its publication time

  3. The user (owner) who published the presentation

  4. The documentation URL

  5. The size of the presentation

You can unpublish a presentation with the Delete and Force buttons. See the Customization guide to understand the difference between Delete and Force.

When you logged with a publisher account, you only see and can unpublish your presentations. You need to log with an administrator account to see all published presentations.

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

You can click on the mail icon to send us a mail.

The presentation has been published on every subscriber. Therefore if you display again subscriber.aspx you should get this:

Subscriber form has a Datagrid with two buttons unsub and force to unsubscribe PageBoxes

For a subscriber are displayed:

If the repository fails to deploy the archive on the PageBox the status is "pending active".

If you display again update.aspx, you should get this:

Update form has a Datagrid with the URL of the presentation documentation

For an archive are displayed:


You can also download published presentations.

Assuming you have installed the PageBox Repository in myRepository directory, you should be able to query download.aspx with http://localhost/myRepository/download.aspx.

Download form has a Datagrid with the presentation name, the publication data, the publisher, the URL of the presentation documentation and the presentation size

Click on the archive URL to download the presentation.

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

You can click on the mail icon to send us a mail.

Archive subscription

You can subscribe to a subset of the presentations published on the repository with asubscribe.aspx and aselect.aspx. Assuming you have installed the PageBox repository in htdocs/PageBox/Repository, you should be able to query asubscribe with http://localhost/PageBox/Repository/asubscriber.aspx:

Archive subscriber form has a Datagrid with the URL of the PageBox deployment server, the status of the deployed archives and a link to aselect.aspx where you can select the deployed archives

In the deployment URL, simply paste the URL of the PageBox update.aspx.

You can subscribe a new PageBox with the Subscribe button and unsubscribe with the Unsub, Unsubscribe and Force buttons. See the Customization guide to understand the difference between Unsubscribe and Force.

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

You can click on the mail icon to send us a mail.

You can click on the Archives link to display and update the presentation list subscribed with aselect.aspx:

Archive selector form has a Datagrid that lists available presentations (name, publication date, publisher, documentation URL and size). It also contains a checkbox. If it is checked the presentation is deployed.

If you click on the presentation checkbox:

  1. The presentation is added to the subscribed presentation list

  2. When you click refresh the presentation is deployed on the PageBox

If you uncheck the presentation checkbox:

  1. The presentation is removed from the subscribed presentation list

  2. When you click refresh the presentation is undeployed on the PageBox

Difference between download, archive subscription and subscription

Difference between subscribe, archive subscribe and download.

In case of subscribe,

In case of archive subscribe, the subscriber selects the Presentations to deploy on the PageBox.

In case of download, no PageBox is needed.


Events taking place on the Repository are recorded. You can display them if you have administrator rights with audit.aspx. Assuming you have installed the PageBox repository in htdocs/PageBox/Repository, you should be able to query audit.aspx with http://localhost/PageBox/Repository/audit.aspx:

Audit form lists the (un)deploy and command requests with four fields,the date, the machine and the user that made the request, the request and its result

The audit display answers the questions when? Who? What? With which result?

Click on the Clear button to remove the audit file.

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

You can click on the mail icon to send us a mail.

PageBox audit

Events taking place on PageBoxes are also recorded and displayed by an audit.aspx form. Assuming you have installed the PageBox in htdocs/PageBox/aPagebox, you should be able to query audit.aspx with http://localhost/PageBox/aPagebox/audit.aspx:

Audit form displays the Web service invocations and their result with four fields,the date, the machine and the user that made the request, the request and its result

The audit display answers the questions when? Who? What? With which result?

Click on the Clear button to remove the audit file.

If you click on the PageBox icon you go to PageBox for .NET documentation.

You can click on the mail icon to send us a mail.

Repository cleanup

RepoCleanup is a Windows service (former NT service).

RepoCleanup manages a set of Repositories.

Every 30 minutes RepoCleanup calls the Retry.asmx of every Repository that it knows to retry pending deploys and undeploys. With this mechanism PageBox for .NET can cope with transient conditions such as Pagebox server reboot.

The diagram below shows a configuration.

The diagram shows a configuration with six repositories on three hosts. Two hosts also host the RepoCleanup Windows service. The diagram shows too the Retry and Deploy web services

Two repository hosts host two Repositories and a RepoCleanup service. A satellite repository host doesn't host a RepoCleanup service and is monitored by a remote RepoCleanup.

The RepoCleanup services call the Repositories' Retry Web services. The Retry Web service checks for deployments and undeployments in pending state. When a Retry Web service finds a deployment in pending state it calls the PageBox's Deploy Web service. In case of success the deployment status becomes "installed".


Run the install.bat batch in the RepoCleanup directory. This batch file contains:

installutil /showCallStack Bin\Debug\RepoCleanup.exe

You are prompted for the service user name and password:

======= RepoCleanup installation =======

Enter the Windows service user name (machine\user):

> MYMACHINE\myuser

Enter the Windows service user password:

> mypassword

The Windows service creation is transacted. If the creation is committed, the service is installed in manual mode and not started.

To de-install the Repository cleanup service, run the uninstall.bat batch in the RepoCleanup directory. This batch contains:

installutil /u /showCallStack Bin\Debug\RepoCleanup.exe


You first need to create a cleanup configuration file, typically named cleanup.xml. Here is an example.













For each Repository, you must define:

  1. The URL of its Retry Web Service

  2. A user name and password of a valid administrator account on that Repository

Then you must configure the Windows service to use this cleanup configuration file. Starts the Service MMC:

Services applet of the Administrative tool control panel

The RepoCleanup Windows service is named Cleanup. Click on its line to display its properties.

Property dialog box showing the Cleanup Windows service setup

Change the startup type to Automatic.

Also set the Start parameters:

  1. The full path of the cleanup configuration file

  2. If you want, the logging mode, "debug" to get information messages on the Application Event log

Then click on the Start button.

Once the service is started, the registry is updated to store the full path of the cleanup configuration file and the logging mode. You can check and change the values with regedit:

Regedit displays the RepoCleanup parameters

Configuration parameters are stored in service_directory\Parameters.

ConfigFile contains the full path of the cleanup configuration file and LogDebug contains 0 for silent mode and 1 for "debug" mode with information messages.


RepoCleanup reads the registry and the cleanup configuration file when it is started. Therefore to change the path or the content of the full path of the cleanup configuration file you need to stop and restart the RepoCleanup service.


To check RepoSub errors, use the Event viewer MMC and select the Application Log.

The Event viewer shows RepoCleanup entries in the Application Log

There are three kinds of entries:

Event viewer entry when RepoCleanup fails to discover a Repository

Test of the Repository cleanup

TestRepoCleanup allows testing RepoCleanup functions and functions.

It also allows checking and setting the registry entries.

To start TextRepoCleanup, click on TextRepoCleanup.exe in TestRepoCleanup\Bin\Debug.

TestRepoCleanup form with a text box containing the full path of the configuration file and a checkbox. When the checkbox is checked RepoCleanup writes Information entries on the Application Event log

TextRepoCleanup displays the current registry values. If you change these values the registry will be updated accordingly when you click on the start button. The start button also creates a cleanup thread. You can terminate the cleanup thread with the stop button (then enabled).
©2001-2004 Alexis Grandemange. Last modified .