Reservation: PageBox for .NET application with booking and search Reservation

Presentation Distributed Database Install Security Offer Booking Search Internals

Resource management in Reservation


In Reservation employees are resources.

Offer.aspx allows setting the employee schedule and displaying the current status of bookings and available slots.

Offer information is stored in the resource table.

For more information about the database model, visit resa-db.html.

The timetable is divided in 22 slots of half an hour between 8 am and 6 pm.


Offer form: On the top left a dropdown list to select the user. Below the dropdown list a schedule. On the right a calendar to select a day, week or month.

The Offer.aspx form is divided in three parts:

Resource selection

The Resource Dropdown list enumerates the employee accounts and three special entries:

When you select total, the schedule is disabled and shows the total number of resources in every slot (defined using Offer.aspx).

When you select booked, the schedule is disabled and shows the number of resources booked in every slot (booked using Book.aspx).

When you select available, the schedule is disabled and shows the number of resources available in every slot (slot_total - slot_booked).


The calendar allows selecting a day, a week (using the > link) or a month (using the >> link).

Selecting a week or a month allows defining the same schedule for a week or a month.

When you select a date the schedule is populated from the content of the resource table for that date.

When you select a week or month the schedule is populated from the content of the resource table for the first date of the range.


When you selected an employee account on the Resource dropdown list, you can set all slots to one using the Set button or set all slot to zero with the zero button.

You can also enter 0 or 1 in every slot.

If a slot is set to 1 it means that the employee will be able to take care of a customer during this slot.

Click on Update to commit the schedule changes and on Reset to cancel the changes.

If you remove offer below the number of bookings, then the change is roll backed and you get a message “Invalid change: not enough resources at hour on month/day/year”.
©2001-2004 Alexis Grandemange. Last modified .